All the rights of “” site belong to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.”
Visitors of our site accept all the undermentioned conditions and Provisions of The Law about İntellectual Property №5846.
The patent for using “SHOW” brand and logo was taken by “Burhanoğulları Kimya AŞ.” company with the Brand Patent License at 1992 and given by T.C. The Turkish Institution of Patent Attorneys. Usage of our brand by others except “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” is illegal, and we warn that those who continue using it, we will have to bring a court action.
All the copyrights of written and visual brands names, logos, titles, articles, writings, photos, pictures, design codes et cetera on this site belong to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” and protected under The Relevant Legislation.
On different sections of this site cookies are used, in order to determine the statistics of the numbers of visitors, the frequency of the visits, which parts of the site was visited, the clicked products, the visitors’ behaviours, which city and country is the user from and so on.
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Users visiting the site accept the condition, that “Burhanoğulları Kimya AŞ.”is not legally / criminally responsible for remarks and valuation of brands, logos, information, visuals, homepage and bottom page links, sites other from “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.”, printed, visual and social media of any purposes shared by visitors on the web site.
Every of natural and legal persons and foundations undertake and agree that visiting web site, he/she accepts all the alerts and warnings mentioned above. In case of disagreement all the documental and computer database clauses and inscriptions on this site belonging to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” are the only and true proof will be appealed to the Istanbul Court and Executive Authorities according to Intellectual Property Law, Code of Civil Procedure, Criminal Code and other Legal Regulations.
All the rights of “” site belong to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.”
Visitors of our site accept all the undermentioned conditions and Provisions of The Law about İntellectual Property №5846.
The patent for using “SHOW” brand and logo was taken by “Burhanoğulları Kimya AŞ.” company with the Brand Patent License at 1992 and given by T.C. The Turkish Institution of Patent Attorneys. Usage of our brand by others except “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” is illegal, and we warn that those who continue using it, we will have to bring a court action.
All the copyrights of written and visual brands names, logos, titles, articles, writings, photos, pictures, design codes et cetera on this site belong to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” and protected under The Relevant Legislation.
On different sections of this site cookies are used, in order to determine the statistics of the numbers of visitors, the frequency of the visits, which parts of the site was visited, the clicked products, the visitors’ behaviours, which city and country is the user from and so on.
You can block the cookies in your browser. But if you block it, you will not be able to use some features on the site. In order to find out if the function is provided in your browser you should check the settings.
Users visiting the site accept the condition, that “Burhanoğulları Kimya AŞ.”is not legally / criminally responsible for remarks and valuation of brands, logos, information, visuals, homepage and bottom page links, sites other from “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.”, printed, visual and social media of any purposes shared by visitors on the web site.
Every of natural and legal persons and foundations undertake and agree that visiting web site, he/she accepts all the alerts and warnings mentioned above. In case of disagreement all the documental and computer database clauses and inscriptions on this site belonging to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” are the only and true proof will be appealed to the Istanbul Court and Executive Authorities according to Intellectual Property Law, Code of Civil Procedure, Criminal Code and other Legal Regulations.
All the rights of “” site belong to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.”
Visitors of our site accept all the undermentioned conditions and Provisions of The Law about İntellectual Property №5846.
The patent for using “SHOW” brand and logo was taken by “Burhanoğulları Kimya AŞ.” company with the Brand Patent License at 1992 and given by T.C. The Turkish Institution of Patent Attorneys. Usage of our brand by others except “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” is illegal, and we warn that those who continue using it, we will have to bring a court action.
All the copyrights of written and visual brands names, logos, titles, articles, writings, photos, pictures, design codes et cetera on this site belong to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” and protected under The Relevant Legislation.
On different sections of this site cookies are used, in order to determine the statistics of the numbers of visitors, the frequency of the visits, which parts of the site was visited, the clicked products, the visitors’ behaviours, which city and country is the user from and so on.
You can block the cookies in your browser. But if you block it, you will not be able to use some features on the site. In order to find out if the function is provided in your browser you should check the settings.
Users visiting the site accept the condition, that “Burhanoğulları Kimya AŞ.”is not legally / criminally responsible for remarks and valuation of brands, logos, information, visuals, homepage and bottom page links, sites other from “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.”, printed, visual and social media of any purposes shared by visitors on the web site.
Every of natural and legal persons and foundations undertake and agree that visiting web site, he/she accepts all the alerts and warnings mentioned above. In case of disagreement all the documental and computer database clauses and inscriptions on this site belonging to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” are the only and true proof will be appealed to the Istanbul Court and Executive Authorities according to Intellectual Property Law, Code of Civil Procedure, Criminal Code and other Legal Regulations.
All the rights of “” site belong to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.”
Visitors of our site accept all the undermentioned conditions and Provisions of The Law about İntellectual Property №5846.
The patent for using “SHOW” brand and logo was taken by “Burhanoğulları Kimya AŞ.” company with the Brand Patent License at 1992 and given by T.C. The Turkish Institution of Patent Attorneys. Usage of our brand by others except “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” is illegal, and we warn that those who continue using it, we will have to bring a court action.
All the copyrights of written and visual brands names, logos, titles, articles, writings, photos, pictures, design codes et cetera on this site belong to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” and protected under The Relevant Legislation.
On different sections of this site cookies are used, in order to determine the statistics of the numbers of visitors, the frequency of the visits, which parts of the site was visited, the clicked products, the visitors’ behaviours, which city and country is the user from and so on.
You can block the cookies in your browser. But if you block it, you will not be able to use some features on the site. In order to find out if the function is provided in your browser you should check the settings.
Users visiting the site accept the condition, that “Burhanoğulları Kimya AŞ.”is not legally / criminally responsible for remarks and valuation of brands, logos, information, visuals, homepage and bottom page links, sites other from “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.”, printed, visual and social media of any purposes shared by visitors on the web site.
Every of natural and legal persons and foundations undertake and agree that visiting web site, he/she accepts all the alerts and warnings mentioned above. In case of disagreement all the documental and computer database clauses and inscriptions on this site belonging to “Burhanoğulları Kimya A.Ş.” are the only and true proof will be appealed to the Istanbul Court and Executive Authorities according to Intellectual Property Law, Code of Civil Procedure, Criminal Code and other Legal Regulations.